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Potholes repaired in Kempston Road

Bedford Labour

Cauldwell Ward Councillors Fouzia Atiq and Abu Sultan are pleased Bedford Borough Council have started to patch the numerous potholes along Kempston Road.

Councillors Atiq and Sultan held a Ward walk with the Chief Officer for Engineering to show him how bad the state of the road was.

The Councillors are grateful to the officers and road maintenance team at Bedford Borough Council who have now started patching Kempston Road, and hopefully the works will be completed soon.

"We will always listen to the concerns our residents raise with us and work with officers at Bedford Borough Council to ensure these are listened to. On this occasion we are pleased Bedford Borough Council acted promptly on the issues raised and are making our roads safer for all users."

Cllrs Fouzia Atiq & Abu Sultan 'Working for you all year round and not just at election time"



© 2019 Created by CASANA

Published and promoted by Rob Walker on behalf of  Mohammad Yasin, Bedford & Kempston Labour Party and Bedford Borough Local Government Committee all of 24 Cutcliffe Grove, Bedford MK40 4DB

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