Bus passengers from the area around Elstow Road, Bedford are delighted with the new seats installed at the well-used ‘The Angel’ bus stop opposite Conquest Road. The previous seats were designed at an angle which some found uncomfortable. Several older residents asked Cauldwell Councillors Fouzia Atiq and Abu Sultan if the seats at the bus stop could be changed as the angled seating was not suitable for them and they had to stand. The Councillors were more than happy to oblige and paid for the new seats out of their ward funds. Councillors Atiq and Sultan said; "The feedback we have had since the new seats have been installed has been really positive. We are pleased that our residents who frequently travel by bus have been made a little more comfortable by simply changing the seats at the bus stop. Thanks to the Bedford Borough staff who did the work. We will listen to concerns and suggestions given to us, and act on them whenever it is possible to do so." Councillor Abu Sultan Abu.Sultan@bedford.gov.uk 07732 193752
Councillor Fouzia Zamir Atiq Fouzia.ZamirAtiq@bedford.gov.uk 07494 890283