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Kempston Landing Stage

Bedford Labour

Cllr James Valentine reports:

"Many of you have asked about an additional bench at the Mill so I’m pleased to say that I’ve ordered one up – paid out of my Councillor’s Ward Fund. I’ve also asked for the existing bench, which is in poor condition, to be replaced.

Since the landing stage has been open, more people have been enjoying the area but unfortunately this has led to more litter so I’ve asked for an additional litter bin too. Thanks to Richard L for pointing this out.

Following the drought weeds seem to be thriving and I’ve followed up my outstanding request to have a meadow cut of the whole area."



© 2019 Created by CASANA

Published and promoted by Rob Walker on behalf of  Mohammad Yasin, Bedford & Kempston Labour Party and Bedford Borough Local Government Committee all of 24 Cutcliffe Grove, Bedford MK40 4DB

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