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Cauldwell litterpick to celebrate Volunteers’ Week

Bedford Labour

As part of Volunteers’ Week Councillors Fouzia Atiq and Abu Sultan organised the first of many community litter pick in Cauldwell Ward.

Councillors Fouzia Atiq and Abu Sultan said: "A big thank you and well done to all involved in this Community Litter Pick. The dedication and enthusiasm displayed by our local volunteers has been wonderful to see.” “Litter remains a big problem across our ward and the Borough. Not only is it unsightly, but it devalues the local area, pollutes the environment, and is expensive to remove, at huge costs to council tax payers.” They added: "Littering causes so much harm to our local environment and wildlife so we must all do we can to look after our local area. Please remember to take any rubbish back home with you or bin it.

This week is Volunteers Week and we thank all our volunteers, Mohammad Yasin MP, Bedford Borough Council and Tesco Extra for their support of our community litter pick." The next community litter pick will be on Saturday 25th June.

Please contact Cllrs Fouzia Atiq and Abu Sultan if you would like to organise a litter pick in your area. The councillors will help organise and provide all necessary equipment and support for the event.



© 2019 Created by CASANA

Published and promoted by Rob Walker on behalf of  Mohammad Yasin, Bedford & Kempston Labour Party and Bedford Borough Local Government Committee all of 24 Cutcliffe Grove, Bedford MK40 4DB

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